Gas Release Risk Assessment

Frequently being asked ‘do I need gas detection in this laboratory?’, or ‘is this air change rate enough in case we have a gas leak?’. Well, fortunately the British Compressed Gas Association (BCGA) do have a Code of Practice which deals exactly with these common questions:

BCGA CP52: The Management of Risks from Gases in the Workplace. 2023.

Based on calculations set out in CP52, I can carry out a detailed risk assessment to determine if and where gas detection is required for your gas installation and areas where those gases are used. I’ll use my experience and knowledge of gas delivery equipment to establish the potential worst-case gas release scenarios for your systems. In that way, it’s absolutely specific to your site or project. I can do this remotely from my office, I just need to know:

  • List of gases
  • Type of delivery panels and number of cylinders connected
  • Size and fill pressure of cylinders, or dewars in the case of cryogenic gases
  • Volumes of rooms where gases are used
  • Number of air changes per hour (ACH) in the rooms where gases are used

I can typically send the completed Gas Release Risk Assessment report to you within a week of receipt of all technical information.

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